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Tire Treads That Handle Well in the Rain

Seasonal Conditions and Your Tire Treads

Tire TreadsThe rainy season is here and often occupied with showers that come and go in a moment’s notice. Retro-fitting your car with the proper tires for rainy roads is safe, responsible and recommended. Bachman’s Auto Repair, Inc. is your guide when it comes to your tires and keeping your vehicle maintained for the change of season.

Think of your car’s tires like gloves. You wouldn’t want to be lifting a sharp heavy object with your bare hands. While gloves don’t just protect your hands, they also give you a better grip. Tires are all about grip and protection, allowing your car to handle the surfaces and unexpectant hazards on the road. Grips on your tires are often referred to as “grooves” and they vary in design. Because we understand how vital tires are for your car, Bachman’s Auto tire services feature installations, and more.

The Importance of The Contact Patch

The area of the tire that touches the road is referred to as a contact patch. The best driving conditions involve the contact patch touching the road 100 percent of the time. Here, the contact area remains flat, and hugs the road easily. However, hydroplaning is when the contact patch loses total interaction with the road, and the car begins to slide. This is very dangerous as the driver temporarily loses control of the car where it can drift in any direction. This occurs when excessive ice or water covers the road.

Tire Treads and Rain Grooves

Tires equipped with rain grooves solve this issue altogether. According to this article, rain grooves pull water away from your tires using intricate groove-like patterns that travel along the tire. With the water removed between the road and the tire, the contact area is undisturbed. There is no standard for rain grooves, and the specific grooves themselves matter little. If the treads continue to travel in a longitude-like fashion, the tire will function properly. We still recommend that driving at slower speeds during showers will guarantee a safer trip.

Bachman’s Auto Seasonal Tire Treads

Bachman’s Auto offers seasonal tires that are equipped to handle the road for most of the year. Despite this, it is not recommended that you solely rely on them. There are tires tailored to winter and spring seasons, and those are most effective during snow-heavy or rain-heavy times of the year. Seasonal tires are good for milder seasons, and can handle rain and snow moderately well, just not as well as the former.

Bachman’s Auto dedicates our business to protect our drivers from hazardous driving conditions. If you have any questions about our services, click here to contact us. You may also call us at (610) 678-9020.